Are you ready to get MORE out of life?
Do you struggle with knowing where to begin?
Christopher Hansard in “The Tibetan Art of Serenity says
“Fear is the most powerful emotional pollution…..The fear of being yourself, and of accepting who you are and what you can be, is the foundation of all other fears, for it is to this fear that all fear returns.”
When we remain the same too long— doing the same thing, living the same life, making the same choices over and over— we relive the same experiences and accelerate the eventual decay of our mind and decline of our body. We lose sight of our purpose and meaning for living.
Sign up now to join my webinar series Courage to Change.
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The choice is yours. It is your life to live.
Join me for a webinar series which uses a combination of videos, lectures and exercises to lead you toward your own personal evolution and capacity to change. The foundation we will be building begins with:
- Exploring answers to Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?
- Deepening your capacity for self acceptance, self awareness and self direction.
- Uncovering your personal ideals, goals and purpose.
In addition, you will have the opportunity to sign up for a free fifteen-minute consultation following each webinar to help clarify content as well as coach you on how to apply the exercises to your life.
Part one: August 2018 • Part two: September 2018 • Part three: October 2018
Do you have the courage to change?
What participants are saying...
"The part-one course work (80 "I Am" questions and the video) brought up some behaviors and thoughts that showed me I don’t think I live my life my way. I don’t think I really even know how to do that yet. I can’t help but look at all the times that I let somebody talk me into something other than I initially wanted. I look forward to this program teaching me how to step into my truth and live the life I want."